Sunday at St.Peter’s

I did the 9 a.m. service on Sunday at St.Peter’s Lutheran Church in Luck. This is a great bunch of people! We had Holy Communion, done I’m sure in a way that’s unfamiliar to them; but they give me plenty of slack and I’m sure they understand forgiveness is an important Christian virtue.

I’m hoping to attend their coming Meatball Supper on Sunday, April 8th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is well planned and I sense that just about everyone participates.

I’m letting “Sinner Ella” and “Zapateados” simmer a bit before I put them out on Kindle. At this point I’d really like to have more readers, more reviews and certainly more buyers of the stories. I’m like every other author, I guess. I’m also a bit frustrated by not being able to generate a buzz yet so the above desires can be realized. On the other hand, I’m more than busy right now. Just today we received a demand for documentation from the plaintiffs in our lawsuit over the beach boundary at our cabin. There’s a lot to find and get off to the attorneys by a deadline. Tomorrow is a “free” day, which really means some grocery shopping and a trip to the safe deposit box to find some of what I hope is in there that will help in the lawsuit.