When I drove away from St.Peter’s Lutheran Church in Luck, WI after our service (9a.m. on Daylight Savings Time change) the place still stood. Seriously, everyone got to church on time, even me coming from a distance, and–per usual–I was received warmly. We had a good turnout and even apple crisp for treats at coffee hour.
I like this bunch! They have a good sense of humor and care for each other in ways that are obvious. And some of them even are reading my stories!
BTW, I finished the fourth short story in the next collection. It’s called “Zapateados” and deals with a flamenco dance troupe’s fiery difficulties. The other stories are “A Cabbie’s Sunday Morning Soap Opera”, “The Great Experiment”, and “Sinner Ella”.
Next Sunday I’m at St.Peter’s again and at Wolf Creek United Methodist Church on Palm and Easter Sundays.
Lats night we enjoyed St.Croix Festival Theatre’s “Peter Pan”, which was a cute and inventive adaptation of the story. Our granddaughter, Klara Fansler, played Wendy, the lead and did a fine job.