
I took Sunday service yesterday at Cumberland United Methodist Church. Their sanctuary is a beauty, perhaps 35-40 years old and modern. The congregation boasts some fine Christians. I heard several mentions of the Holy Spirit in casual conversation. They have some young retired people and three children were present, yet I was told they are struggling. There were 44 at worship, which is “down” for them, I gather, but that has been the trend of late. A few years ago the church at McKinley they were joined with closed and I suppose some of the remnant came over to Cumberland. That’s not the best way to gain new members. We talked a bit about how Birchwood UMC came to understand that small can be beautiful and then that congregation doubled in size while I served there. It’s a matter of becoming beautiful so that people are attracted to you and then recognizing what you have to offer and that what you have and who you are is unusual today.


I’m glad I had the opportunity to serve Cumberland yesterday.