My print book collection of the three published Amazon Kindle short story books is in review. Copies should be available soon through I will have a few at my public readings. The book sells for $15 and is called “The First Gathering of The Break Time Stories”. Obviously, I’m hoping for a good reception. I have two invitations so far to read from the book, the first in July for the Osceola Seniors and the second on a Thursday evening in September to be selected at the St.Croix Falls Public Library.
date change
The date of my reading from “The First Gathering of the Break Time Stories” has been changed to Wednesday, July 12th at the Party Room of the Third Street Apartments in Osceola, WI.
As for the coming edition of that print book, I’m in the process of fussing with the cover. That done, we should be able to print quite soon. LaMoine MacLaughlin, Jade Ring Prize winner for fiction and Amery’s First Poet Laureate and Judy Breuer, Duluth Budgeteer’s lifestyle columnist both have written some nice things about my stories and give good reasons for people to read the book. I appreciate their willingness to do that, as well as the fact that they said nice things. (Not to LOL!)
movin’ things along
I’ve begun the process of converting to a single print volume the three short story collections (Four Break Time Stories, More Break Time Stories, Yet More Break Time Stories) that have been on Amazon Kindle, beginning in 2015. The volume will be called “The First Gathering of The Break Time Stories” and it will run about 185 pages, which seems respectable. For the cover I’ll use Aaron’s painting of the cooking utensils that I used for “Yet”. Fellow writers LaMoine MacLaughlin and Judy Breuer will contribute some comments for the back cover. I appreciate very much their willingness to do that. At the end of the book I have a long list of people that helped contribute to the stories; you’ll just have to guess which person or institution identifies with which story.
Ha Ha!
Finally, my computer is back and doing well! I fell for a con and knew better than to do that, but the warning came up and I couldn’t get it off my browser. So, as directed, I called Apple, which–of course–was not Apple at all. And I got so far into the mess that I ended up giving them not just my credit information, but three iTune cards. They were able to cash one of them; the other two were invalid, which is but a small consolation. I still don’t know quite how people can cash in those iTune cards and not leave a trace. Anyhow, Apple’s legal people have all the information I had and the Easy IT Guys in St.Croix Falls did a fine job with restoring my computer. That means that in the next few days I can proceed with transforming the three online Kindle short story books to a single print book.
I’ve begun the next short story called “Eye Of The Beholder”. All I’ll disclose at this point is that Osceola’s Police Chief Ron Pedrys has been very helpful. And in the next weeks I think I’ll need to take some painting instruction from some of the good artists I know.
Yet More Break Time Stories just published
As of today, March 29, 2017, my newest short story collection, “Yet More Break Time Stories”, now is available on Amazon Kindle.
I am in the process of compiling all three e-book short story collections into a print version. I’m anticipating publication for that in mid-to late April. Avery’s poet laureate, editor/publisher of “Soundings” and Jade Ring Fiction Award winner LaMoine MacLaughlin has agreed to write :something nice” for the back cover of the print book. Thanks, LaMoine!
I should mention that the cover art for “Yet More Break Time Stories” is a painting done by my son, Mark Aaron Peacock. It’s a surreal table setting with a large fork, a knife and spoon and I’ve used it because the first story in this third story collection is “I’ll Cook For You!”. I’ll probably use this artwork for the cover of the print book, which may or may not be titled “The First Gathering of Break Time Stories”.
Coming Public Readings
Although there are several possible public readings coming in the near future, one in June seems fairly certain and that will be a short story reading for the Osceola Seniors Association in early June, 2017. I’ve not decided which story to read. By that time, the third short story collection, “Yet More Break Time Stories” will have been published on Amazon Kindle and I may have all three story collections compiled in a single print paperback that will be available.
Perhaps we’ll see you in Osceola the first Wednesday in June?