I’ve just gotten off the phone with my elder son, Aaron, who lives in Portugal and whose house and everything associated with it, including all the fruit trees, were gobbled up by the wildfires that raced through Portugal, fanned by high winds from the hurricane. The experience in both Spain and Portugal has been similar to the fires in northern California, but with fewer lives lost. Apparently, most of those who died were fire fighters who paid the price for trying to help someone else. Aaron’s nearby village has no electricity right now, but Aaron does because, miraculously, his solar panel was spared and the other electric gear he needs for contact with the outside world he’d hastily stored in a brick building that houses his water cistern before he had to flee the flames.
Anyhow, I’ve said often that each of our kids, each in his or her own way, have been trying to make this world a better place. Proof of this is that Aaron’s siblings banded together quickly to set up a funding site on behalf of their brother in response to people asking how they could help Aaron and his wife, Berta, re-build their home and put their life back together again. Funds already are in the Pay-Pal account and I know they will be well used. The link is http://helpaaronandberta.org.
We are grateful to God that Aaron and Berta are alive. We also appreciate and are thankful for those who choose to provide financial help to Aaron and Berta.