The end of June and the entre of July have been hot and steamy. I’ve been a bit steamy, too: the struggle with trying to get the six “mangled” fairy tales into their own paperback has not been going smoothly. The book’s margins just won’t obey! When I have another spasm of patience I’ll go at it again.
Meanwhile, Parkview and I have finished our course together. For me, it has been a very fine experience, even with having to do services for most of our tenure via Zoom. Parkview is a fine congregation with many people of faith and great potential, even with the changes wrought in our society. I pray good things for them. And at Wolf Creek we are trying to figure out how to expand our tent with virtual reach-outs. The church building is down in the hollow of Wolf Creek and cellular phone service is skimpy–but we are working on it.
Saturday, August 8th, I will be reading two stories at the Northern Lakes Center for the Arts. The event time is 7:30 p.m.