So we’re in (mostly) our new home above Bone Lake. It’s across the lake from where we were for 20 years and just a bit north. We don’t have the beach in our yard anymore, but we don’t have the taxes either that go with waterfront. We share a beach with 7 other property owners and it’s just down the hill from us.
We managed to exit Osceola just in time; we closed last Tuesday and had to be out, of course. This has been the most demanding move I’ve done and I intend to exit this life from out here. Much of the challenge has been that we are combining three places: our long-time Duluth apartment, our Osceola townhome, and Marina’s fully furnished office (mine, too!). In addition, there was stuff in the cabin that was left when we bought the place five years ago. Marina’s vision means that things go more slowly than with most people; she needs to be able to know where things are so she can find them in the future. (Right now we’re looking for tick protection for the animals that’s in a bag somewhere and for bird seed for the finches.) People Loving People in Dresser has been the recipient of many donations from us and there will be more. We have triplicates of some things and duplicates of others.
Meanwhile, life goes on. Unplanned last week was a pacemaker replacement for Marina, so that meant time in hospitals and clinics. Son John sat with me at Regions and that was a great assist. Daughter Hannah put some elbow grease into cleaning as we left Osceola and that was a great help. This week I have a truck brake repair and front axle to fix and Friday night I’m also reading a short story (“Snow Job and The Four Dwarfs”) to benefit the Amery Arts Alliance’s efforts to buy the Classic Theatre and fix its roof. There will be six writers reading; we’ll see if we get an audience. Meanwhile, I’m locating and putting in place more stuff!