Gretel & Andy book is finished, in print

Marina’s book about life as a Seeing Eye Dog, as told in the voices of her guide dogs Gretel and Andy, is published now and available on at $15. link: I will be publishing the book soon as an e-book that can be read on Kindles or on your computer. The price is yet to be determined. (Mine go for $2.99.) It’s a cute book but also informative. Gretel, of course, was a much-traveled dog and flew with us on trips to Portugal, Berlin, Chicago, and Los Angeles. She could find our car in the vast airport parking lot. Andy has not had Gretel’s travel experience but can find Marina the right door to enter out of a choice of six, for example. One species helping another; I still find it amazing! The book title is Gretel and Andy, God’s Gift; The Lives of Two Seeing Eye Dogs. Although the story is told in the dogs’ words, the author is listed as Marina Heide Peacock.