Who On Earth Is Betsy?

Tonight’s WPCA-FM story broadcast was a story called Betsy. Betsy turned out to be the rifle our paranoid/narcissistic narrator bought for protection. Listening, I like the way the story builds a web of suspense (or at least concern) around the narrator and, of course, the surprise ending is fun and a true surprise–or so people have told me. Betsy is available in The First Gathering of The Break Time Stories and online in More Break Time Stories.

I will be signing books and visiting about storytelling at downtown Luck’s Kenneth Larson shop on Friday, July 19th from 2-4 p.m. I’ve described the shop as a “destination” store. Its high quality merchandise and craftsmanship set it apart and I am honored to have all four of my books featured there. Perhaps I’ll be lucky and I’ll see you there?

Look for me to be reading a story or two for the Luck Seniors sometime in August. I’ll let you know. The program is being arranged by the Luck Public Library’s Jill Glover.

Retirement?  Marina’s first Seeing Eye Dog, Gretel, says in her book about life as a Seeing Eye Dog, that retirement means being replaced. I don’t quite feel that way and I was hoping to get through last Sunday’s church service without crying but I failed. I was good until the end when I saw several people in tears. I ended up screeching, “God be with you ’till we meet again!” As part of our farewell, the congregation gave me a gorgeous quilt made by the new quilting group ministry, as well as some beautiful flowers, specially made jam and many cards with messages I am grateful to hear prior to my funeral. Talented Mike Mishler gifted me with a bowl that he crafted from a chunk of southern yellow pine. Mike has a real talent for creating beauty out of what appears to be worthless wood.

Tonight is a bit chilly and damp, so the wood stove is going for the first time in weeks. We are back to the cycle of rain we’ve had day after day. One challenge in the coming days is to somehow get the dead golf cart up the hill from the beach and into the yard so I can try to diagnose its problem. And then the pontoon seems to have re-sprung the leak that was welded two years ago, so we list a bit to port in the stern. Today I ordered a new wheel for the car. It appears that as the wheel rusts, the rust also gets to the inside of the rim so the wheel has trouble with a strong seal and the tire loses air. No fun to get into the car and wonder if I can make it to the closest gas station and its air pump! Ah, yes; the stuff of life!